martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

8 typical aspects of a cheap traveler

Traveling is something that almost everyone does. It doesn´t matter if you are rich and want to spend incredible amounts of money, or you want to travel expending the least amount of money, which doesn't mean bad holidays.

Today, I will be trying to make a summary of the most typical characteristics of a cheap traveler.

  1. It has around 18 to 35 years
  2. Studies, or has started working not a long time ago
  3. Usually travels in company, for example a group of friends
  4. Trips are longer than usual
  5. Prefers to have a good night with his or her friends in a hostal than sleeping in a luxurious hotel
  6. Doesn´t mind taking public transport
  7. Researches the web trying to find great bargains. 
  8. Usually travels with a backpack with necessary clothing instead of a suitcase

(image from CartonStock)

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